Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Summer Garden
Sister Christine Masters, Missionary, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Many of us look forward to the warm days of summer so we can plant a summer garden! 
With eagerness and anticipation, we visualize a thriving, weed free, delicious, mouth watering, and abundant crop.

Soon we come to realize there are things that might ruin our efforts, such as weeds and pests.  In whom or where can we receive advice?  Fortunately, there are those who are willing to share their methods of success!

In a similar way, faith in our lives is like planting a summer garden.  We want our lives to have direction, to be happy, to be free from negative choices, to have a good ending after all our efforts.  A loving Heavenly Father, on whom we place our faith, can guide us along. Like the experienced gardener, He is willing to share how to safely navigate this life with faith in Him. He will show us, through humble prayer and diligent reading of the scriptures, the way to an abundant and happy life.

Occasionally, we might ask ourselves some questions.  “In whom  or where do I place my faith ?  Do I overly rely on my own abilities and strengths?  Am I placing too much faith in my possessions?  Am I placing my faith in my Father in Heaven who has blessed me with my capabilities and strengths?”

Sermons can do much to explain faith, but lives well lived do so much more!

A friend of mine owned a beautiful Volkswagen Passat.  Oh, how he loved that car.  It was his baby and his pride and joy.  Imagine the surprise one Sunday morning when he drove up in an old truck!  He explained that he had put his faith too much in the possession of that car.
It had encumbered his faith in his Father in Heaven.  So he set things straight by getting rid of it and returning his heart much more fully to the Lord.

Even with the good examples of those surrounding us, how can we effectively live a life of faith in this challenging, sometimes brutal world?

The answer to this question is Our Savior’s example of always placing our faith in Heavenly Father.  “And Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God.”   Mark 11:22

Our Savior also taught us that if we have great faith, we will receive many temporal and spiritual blessings. “Then touched He their eyes, saying, According to your faith  be it unto you.”  Matthew 9:29

Lord, I believe.  Help Thou my unbelief.

The Upper Country News-Reporter     Cambridge, Idaho     July 7, 2014

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