Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dreams Can Come True
Dreams can certainly come true if God is on your side and if He knows it will be to your benefit.

"You're not inconveniencing God by having big dreams.  In fact, it's just the opposite.  If you can achieve your dreams with just your own strength, abilities and resources, your dreams are too small.  Believe big! So big that you have no choice but to call on God.

Don't stop believing.  Every dream, every goal GOD puts in your heart, He will bring to pass (if it is to your benefit)."  And sometimes, He might even supersize it!

Proverbs says, 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.'  With no vision your dream will die, and part of you will die with it.  Is there something you see every day that reminds you of what your dream is, something that inspires you and ignites your faith?

Thank you, LORD, for bringing my dreams to pass.  For helping me become everything you created me to be."
 Pastor Joel Osteen, Houston, Texas

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